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The Fusion Dance: Fusion is a technique first learned by Goku, and later taught to Goten, Trunks, and Vegita. This technique has several requirements in order to be successful. First, the users must be approximately the same size. Secondly, they must have their power levels equal. No one can be greater than the other. And finally, they must complete a dance perfectly every time they wish to use the transformation. The result is a super warrior who is capable of using special powers neither component warrior could on their own. Also, the result is usually very cocky. The fusion lasts for 30 minutes, unless the two people who fuse are so powerful that they burn it out earlier(as in the case of ssj4 gojita, who uses up the fusion in 20 minutes). Also, the super warrior has bodily traits of both component warriors, including hair, facial features, etc.

The Potara Earrings: Unlike the fusion dance technique, fusion via the potara earrings has no special requirements. It can fuse anyone, no matter the size or power level. Many believe that this fusion is more powerful than the fusion dance, but there's really no way to prove it. In order to do the fusion, one warrior places a potara earring on their right ear, the other warrior on his left. The two then come together and fuse into one being. However, a saiya-jin should not be in super saiya-jin form during the fusion, as it will cause them to remain in the super saiya-jin form forever. However, they can go ssj after they fuse. Also, unlike the fusion technique, the fusing cannot be reversed, unless the warrior enters a place where the laws of physics don't apply(ie Vegitto was split after being absorbed by Buu).


Majin: The villainous magician Babidee has the power to charm those who have evil in their hearts. Once done, the effected warrior is met with a great increase in power. Also, those with the majin charm think that they want whatever Babidee wants. This creates an obediant slave for Babidee. Perhaps the most notable feature is the M on the charmed warrior's forehead, showing that he is charmed by the little magician. Vegeta allows himself to be charmed so that he could receive a power-up and finally defeat Goku in battle.

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